ZIA SIDDIQUE FOUNDATION is a development oriented not for profit Non Governmental Organization having its roots in AJK and Pakistan operating internationally. ZSF seeks to promote sustainable economic and social development by working with local communities through skills development, career counseling, education, health and relief & rehabilitation programs. We are committed to uplift the destitute and needy regardless of race, religion or gender.
In essence ZSF’s core objective is to provide vital components of life like education, skills development and health facilities at the door step of community living in remote and far flung areas of Azad Jammu & Kashmir and Pakistan.
Education allows people to develop leadership skills they need to empower their communities and break the cycle of poverty. We do not accept that people should be excluded from education due to poverty, gender or ethnic background. ZSF helps to deliver education by building schools, providing educational materials and developing programmes of study. Our programmes range from pre-school initiatives to scholarship opportunities and adult education.
Access to high quality free healthcare should not be viewed as a luxury. In many parts of the Azad Jammu & Kashmir and Pakistan, easily preventable and treatable diseases are causing death and long term suffering to millions. We believe that good health is essential for the survival and economic self sufficiency of individuals and their communities. ZSF is providing emergency relief in conflict situations as well as developing long-term well-being initiatives with the help of trained doctors and high quality equipments.
ZSF is a lead organization in the sector of poverty alleviation through developing skills for employability. We have economically empowered more than six thousand families (42,000 persons) all over Pakistan. Our skill for employability program is proceeding forward in collaboration with Pakistan Bait-ul-Mall, National Vocational and Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC), GTZ, Punjab Skills Development Fund (PSDF), UKaid, DFID, Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) and other national and international organizations.
ZSF is also playing important role in the sectors of emergency relief, social welfare, women empowerment, human rights, helping widows, orphans and persons with disabilities, promoting peace & interfaith harmony and rehabilitation & reconstruction. All projects are identified, implemented and monitored through community participation.